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March 30, 2023
The Morning Report — 3/30/23
Good morning kids. Just to reiterate what I stated at the top of yesterday's post, what happened in Nashville was an act of terrorism. I'll go one further; given the nature of a number of links across a wide range of categories, the slaughter of innocent people may not have been directly state sanctioned, but I'm convinced it was approved.
Let's start with this interesting essay from one of the better writers at PJ Media, Ben Bartee as a way of formulating the crux of the overall biscuit:
I regularly monitor enemy communications — MSNBC news-actor soliloquies, Swamp creature interviews in NPR, White House and Pentagon press briefings, etc. — not because I believe there is any intellectual nourishment to be had by consuming the propaganda, but because it’s critical that we on the other side understand the narratives they craft and the purposes they serve so that we place ourselves in the best position to counter them.
The reach and influence of the legacy media are rapidly diminishing, but it still enjoys impressive reach with certain segments of the American population, particularly among the governing class in D.C. . .
. . . The value of monitoring the corporate media is increased by the infiltration of the likes of the Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC by Deep State actors. These so-called journalistic institutions, once ostensibly in opposition to state abuses of power, are now rats’ nests of “retired,” “former” Deep State spooks who never actually retire. Through these mediums and the reliable mouthpieces who appear on them, the Deep State often rolls out its latest narratives and issues threats, such as when Chuck Schumer openly threatened the sitting president with retribution for contradicting the Russiagate narrative in January 2017. . .
. . . The value, the reason to tune in, is to understand how the state is posturing itself in order to better understand its motivations and likely courses of action in any given context.
Of course, one has to put oneself in the right frame of mind to listen to the ravings of Maddow, Reid, Banjo Boy and concubine Mitzi Baryshnikov (nod to Ace for that moniker). That is, massive amounts of sedatives washed down with Pepto Bismol. God bless his memory, Rush Limbaugh waded through a daily torrent of dreck to come up with soundbite after soundbite of these schmucks spouting the identical, predigested and tested lines and phrases almost verbatim.
And, in the case of the tranny terror attack, like night follows day, it's blame the victims as well as any messenger who dares counter the narrative with the truth. In this case, that would be – yet again – Tucker Carlson:
Carlson addressed the tragic Monday shooting that took place at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, and argued that radical gender ideology was the antithesis of Christianity – and that being the case, the two could not peacefully coexist. But at no point did he name transgender people as the “enemy.”
Despite that, media and news site Mediaite ran with a headline suggesting that he had done exactly that: “Tucker Carlson Deems Trans People the ‘Natural Enemy’ of Christianity.”
“I said that trans theology is inherently at odds with Christian theology. That’s true. The recent mass murder in Nashville is one result of it, obviously,” Carlson told The Daily Wire. “The shills at Mediaite and in the rest of the media would like to keep lying about this, which is why they aren’t pushing to see the killer’s manifesto.”
Of course, TuCa is dead on the money.
Carlson referred to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s comments on Tuesday. Garland that the FBI, the Nashville police, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are all investigating the shooting—and yet he wouldn’t hazard a guess on motive. “Motive hasn’t been identified, Garland told us,” Carlson said. “Really? You wonder how that could possibly be.” He explained that the shooter herself said she’d left evidence behind to elucidate her horrific actions.
Just before she opened fire, the Nashville shooter wrote these words to her best friend over Instagram. “One day this will make more sense. I’ve left behind more than enough evidence.’”That evidence includes a written manifesto where the killer spells out exactly why she killed children. The FBI, the ATF, the Nashville Police and, for that matter, Merrick Garland all have access to that manifesto. And yet somehow the Attorney General informs us that a motive has not yet been identified.
Carlson didn’t mince words, accusing the AG of deliberate dishonesty. “Well, he’s lying. They all are lying,” Carlson said. “We can’t see the manifesto, because the transgender lobby, which has far more power than you do, has pressured politicians to keep it hidden.” Carlson asserted, however, that we “can be certain” what the manifesto says. It will reveal that transgender Audrey Hale shot children because they were Christian, he insisted.
It's as plain as two airliners flying into the Twin Towers with shouts of "allahu ackbar!" from the cockpit echoed by ululating and passing out candy from the rooftops of Jersey City all the way to Gaza what the motive is. And what happened in Nashville, as I said, terrorism. I like Josh Hawley a lot, and he is one of the very few effective and decent guys on our side in the Senate. But to call this a "hate crime" only aids and abets the enemy and if it doesn't feed their narrative, only serves to obfuscate the truth, which at the end of the day is the same thing.
Just as there is a war on Christianity every bit as virulent and vicious as the 100% Leftist-fueled anti-Semitism, it's only coming to the fore because although Jews are a very distinct minority here, America is still an overwhelmingly predominantly Christian nation. There is no denying the fact that that is how we were founded, and what our governmental system was based on and how we used to function as a society. The irony of the knockout game being played con gusto in places like New York City, historically the most Jewish city on the planet after pre-war Warsaw and much of Israel (more on how all this is related to what's happening there in a moment) is that it is being played with Molotov cocktails on pregnancy crisis centers and churches, and now with bullets being sprayed in Christian schools.
Judeo-Christianity is the target. Why? Daniel Greenfield has the answer which I suspect you already can surmise:
A Minnesota bill now proposes to take children away from parents who don’t agree to have them sexually mutilated. Similar bills are working their way through other states.
Behind all the identity politics, the graphic sexual materials in classrooms, the covert gender swaps by public school administrators, critical race theory, drag shows and so much else is a showdown between the family and the state. It’s not a new confrontation, but teenage puberty blockers, suicides, sex and racism manuals have made the stakes painfully clear.
At the heart of sexual identity politics is an obsession with dismantling the family. The embrace of transgenderism by the state is no accident of politics. The family, like race and religion, is the chief rival to the state. The state set out to neuter its rivals through identity politics, using race, religion and finally sexuality to define new identities and use them to make the state supreme. . .
. . . When schools secretly change the gender of children or push sexual and racist materials on them, the state is taking charge. And administrations and unions indignantly tell parents to keep quiet and not interfere. Parents, like most taxpayers, under the impression that the system answers to them or at least that it ought to answer to them were confused and enraged.
The shift from the single-income family to the two-income family with preschool encompassing children as young as 18 months and then to an ever more intensive chain of state educational institutions happened gradually enough that most parents thought it was their own idea. But what the Soviet Union and Communist China had failed to accomplish, happened in America. . .
. . . Teachers and administrators in those institutions are pushing sexual identity politics on children as young as two years old not just because it’s a current leftist fad, but because eliminating the family wipes out any competition. The gradual transitional elimination of the family is rapidly picking up speed. Now the plan is to destroy the family by destroying the children.
Children have an inherent need for a family. Totalitarian regimes have fought the family in the past by turning children against their parents. And yet even in the face of the monstrous propaganda of the USSR, Communist China and Nazi Germany, the family has persisted. The Left has come to realize that the only way to destroy the family is to destroy the children. . .
Bookmark this one for sure. Once again, Moloch Garland is at the center of the situation. While not releasing the terrorist's manifesto, recall that he, along with Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants colluded with the National Association of School Boards to have uppity parents deemed "terrorists" and threats to national security for the treasonous crime of objecting to the body- mind- and soul-rape of their children with transsexualism and the self-hatred brainwashing of Jive Kampf and the 1619 Lie.
The nuclear family, along with the primacy of the individual, is a direct reflection of the primacy of the Divine. If you don't believe in God, then a higher power above mere corruptible mortals that imbued you with your right to live and be free. Of course, that has to go because it stands in the way of "paradise on earth," even if it short-dicks every cannibal in the Congo, or grinds over 100 million souls and counting into the permafrost of Kolyma, the Lake of Ashes in Birkenau, the killing fields of Cambodia and sadly a Christian school in Nashville. Is that hyperbolic? Not in the least IMHO. Same mentality, same pedigree, different time and place. But you better believe that what that twisted terrorist did in Nashville, those who cheer it on would be orgasmic to stack up the bodies like cordwood all over this country.
So, not only do they not want to release the manifesto, they are now on track to make sure anyone who demands its release will be silenced even before he/she makes the demand.
The bill has been revealed as something far more expansive that a mere TikTok ban. It grants sweeping powers to the federal government to restrict the online activities of Americans, imposing heavy penalties on any citizen who circumvents it, including criminal fines of up to $1 million, jail sentences of up to 20 years, and the seizure and search of hardware and online accounts, including cryptocurrency accounts.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson eviscerated the bill in a segment this week, saying: “This bill isn’t about banning TikTok. It’s never about what they say it is. Instead, this bill would give enormous and terrifying new powers to the federal government to punish American citizens and regulate how they communicate with one another.”
“So you would be allowing the executive branch — the Biden administration — to regulate speech on the internet. And if you are somehow involved with, quote, a foreign adversary — let’s say you oppose the war against Russia — you go to prison for 20 years.”
. . . Donald Trump Jr., also slammed the bill. “The uniparty wants more power to control what we do and see,” said Don Jr. in a post on Twitter. “And now we’re going to give the Biden goons the ability to throw us in jail for 20 years if they decide we’re in violation of this craziness? No thanks.”
. . . Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said he would veto the RESTRICT Act if he were in office. “As opposed as I am to the Chinese infiltration of our economy, I think we have to be very careful not to become more like China in the process,” said Ramaswamy.
“The RESTRICT Act, billed as a ban on the CCP-linked TikTok app, is actually a Trojan horse for even more government surveillance,” said the official account of Young Americans for Liberty. “Have we learned anything from the Patriot Act?”
Bingo to Mr. Ramaswamy. Remember, this is the same Junta that tried to establish a Ministry of Truth, and no doubt is working behind the scenes to ram it through. "Evil never rests," as Momma Sefton would say.
Just the News reported Tuesday that back when the existence of the Disinformation Governance Board first became public knowledge, Mayorkas was full of bland reassurances, insisting that there was “nothing sinister to hide” and claiming that the Orwellian and authoritarian board was actually based upon “best practices.” But you will no doubt be shocked — shocked! — to learn that this hasn’t actually turned out to be true. Just the News adds that “a year later, Mayorkas’ department is refusing to let Americans see most of the legal justifications and talking points it created to defend the now-disbanded board from ‘blowback,’ FOIA documents showed.”
Citizens United received over 100 pages of Jankowicz’s internal communications with her staff, but most of it was just blank white boxes. “What little is visible makes clear that DHS underestimated the negative reaction the board would provoke and was scrambling to find ways to keep the story from being pushed by ‘hostile’ news outlets.” This is understandable. These people live inside the Beltway, and inside the Beltway, nearly everyone hates the freedom of speech. These little authoritarians had no idea how poorly their act would play outside their echo chamber. . .
. . . Just in the last few days, we have seen the ATF and the IRS move to target critics of the regime. We have seen the FBI pause from its efforts to frame the former president and Republican front-runner for 2024 long enough to label parents “domestic terrorists” for daring to protest at school board meetings against the far-Left agenda being pushed on their children in primary schools.
We have seen the putative president in a positively insouciant mood after a horrific mass murder in Nashville, apparently because he saw how the massacre could be used to advance his desire to disarm law-abiding Americans. The ongoing secrecy surrounding the Disinformation Governance Board, even a year after this ominous initiative was abandoned, only highlights the fact that this regime has goals that should be a matter of grave concern to every free citizen.
Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, the Davos-Biden-Brussels-Beijing Axis created yet another color revolution that has succeeded or is about to succeed in not only thwarting Benjamin Netanyahu's legal and righteous attempt to retake the ill-gotten absolute power from a corrupt judiciary but perhaps in overthrowing his election and removing him and much of the Israeli right from power. What timing; just as Iran is about to enrich enough uranium for a bomb and as China has muscled its way into the region and wedge Israel away from the Saudis. PS: there goes the petrodollar, and here comes the petro-yuan.
What does that have to do with us? Plenty. While this corrupt, illegitimate junta in DC kneecaps our ability to defend our interests abroad while destroying our ability to feed, clothe and house ourselves right here at home, the only way they can stay in power is via control over the ballot box. We can beat each other up about Trump this and DeSantis that but the way things are going, 2024 is a foregone conclusion as James O'Keefe, who has resurfaced at just the right time, is showing us.
Psaki-psircling back, this is what tyrannical repression looks like. If this is a civil war, then it looks awfully one-sided right now. As for Garland et al, if the DOJ, FBI and all the rest are mostly good-guy "ham 'n eggers" as world's luckiest day laborer Sean Hannity insists, why hasn't one of them proven it by leaking the transexual terrorist's manifesto?
Meh, with scum like this consigliere to abortion mouse Katie Hobbs, we know what it says. The victims of transexual-Leftist terrorism in Nashville say it all.
And Trans Day of Vengeance is still on for Saturday. Is there a Hallmark card for that? Maybe next to the Kwanzaa section.
- "From [Chinese] COVID to currency collapse, Western powers insist on escaping blame. It can't last forever."
How Much Longer Can Western Governments Spit on Their People?
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau share a basic admiration of China."
Biden’s Northern Exposure - Daniel Greenfield: "The Democrats were in a bind, falling behind and looking to make a steal."
The IRS Went Down to Georgia to Steal an Election
- "In the same vein, one doesn’t watch North Korean state television to find out what’s actually going on in the Hermit Kingdom. The value, the reason to tune in, is to understand how the state is posturing itself in order to better understand its motivations and likely courses of action in any given context. Effective counter-strategizing requires it." (good point, if you drink about a gallon of Pepto Bismol beforehand - jjs)
In Defense of Consuming Corporate Media
- "Nervous yet? You should be. With a stroke of a pen, or more appropriately, a flick of a switch or click of a button, you can be declared a threat and shut down at the discretion of the bureaucracy."
BE VERY AFRAID: The RESTRICT Act Is Exactly What It Sounds Like
- Patriot Act on steroids."
Conservatives Slam RESTRICT Act on Social Media
- Robert Spencer: "We have seen the putative president in a positively insouciant mood after a horrific mass murder in Nashville, apparently because he saw how the massacre could be used to advance his desire to disarm law-abiding Americans. The ongoing secrecy surrounding the Disinformation Governance Board, even a year after this ominous initiative was abandoned, only highlights the fact that this regime has goals that should be a matter of grave concern to every free citizen."
What Are They Hiding? A Year Later, DHS STILL Won't Come Clean About Its Disinformation Board
* * * * *
- "Authorities refuse to release manifesto."
Media Settles on “No Known Motive” Narrative Behind Transgender School Shooting
- “I said that trans theology is inherently at odds with Christian theology. That’s true. The recent mass murder in Nashville is one result of it, obviously,” Carlson told The Daily Wire. “The shills at Mediaite and in the rest of the media would like to keep lying about this, which is why they aren’t pushing to see the killer’s manifesto.”
Tucker Carlson Responds After Dishonest Headlines Say He Called Trans People ‘The Enemy’ of Christianity
- "That’s right. Six people, including three children, lost their lives in the attack, and the Christian community was the targeted group. However, according to NBC News, in an article published Tuesday, the transgender community is the real victim of the tragedy."
Can You Guess Who NBC News Portrayed as the Real Victims of the Nashville Shooting?
* * * * *
- "The sooner CNN goes the way of CNN+, the better."
They Are CNN
- Sean Davis: "At some point, instead of hoping the poison vine will produce fine wine, you just have to acknowledge reality and let it die."
Twitter Cannot Be Saved. It’s Time For Free Speech Proponents To Let It Die
- "Why do people still blindly believe in the establishment media?"
How the Media Doubles Down on Falsehood
- “Us when we see transphobes” with a picture of a woman holding guns.
AZ Spurious Gov. Katie Hobbs’ Press Secretary Resigns After Threatening Violence Against ‘Transphobes’ After Nashville Terror Attack
- The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) will host an event from March 31 to April 2 in Washington, DC, where they will complain about how they are allegedly “facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world.”
"Trans Day of Vengeance" Set to Proceed, Despite Nashville Transgender Terror Attack
- TuCa: "Just before she opened fire, the Nashville shooter wrote these words to her best friend over Instagram. 'One day this will make more sense. I’ve left behind more than enough evidence.' That evidence includes a written manifesto where the killer spells out exactly why she killed children. The FBI, the ATF, the Nashville Police and, for that matter, Merrick Garland all have access to that manifesto. And yet somehow the Attorney General informs us that a motive has not yet been identified."
Tucker Carlson Says Nashville Transgender Terrorist School Shooter Murdered Victims Because They Were Christian
- "This tragedy involved people, not pronouns."
They (/Them) Did It
- Miranda Devine: "All he has is sociopathic indifference in the guise of vacuous virtue signaling."
6 People Are Dead and All Jokin’ Joe Biden Can Do is Sow the Rancor and Division That Got Us Here
- I like Hawley but he's wrong. It was an act of terrorism. This "hate crime" obfuscation has to be shit-canned at light speed.
Sen. Hawley: Nashville School Shooting Was a 'Hate Crime Targeting Christians'
- “Hero Metro Nashville Police Officers Michael Collazo, 31, and Rex Engelbert, 27, have served in the department for nine and four years, respectively.”
Police Officers Who Took Down Nashville Tran-ihadi Terrorist Shooter Hailed as Heroes
- Raymond Ibrahim: "If you’re among the establishment’s protected classes, that’s what you get — protection, even when murdering (to say nothing of mutilating) innocent children."
Like Muslims, Trans Terrorists Are Lashing Out Due to "Grievances"
- "Tennessee, I fear, is just the beginning of what the trans dime museums believe is come-uppance for phantom bigotry against a tiny portion of the population. Or worse — far worse — they have to accept the fact that we just don’t care how they live their lives. That may be their problem."
Tolerance and Acceptance Were Never Going to Be Enough for the Trans Crowd
- "Individuals can do damage, but all the killers in America have never equaled a government that’s turned against its own (unarmed) citizens."
The Most Dangerous Guns are Those in Government's Hands
* * * * *
- “The training materials told the Marshals ‘to avoid, unless absolutely necessary, any criminal enforcement action involving the protestors.'”
DOJ Memo Told U.S. Marshals Not to Arrest Protestors Outside of SCOTUS Justices’ Home
- "If convicted, Roychowdhury is supposedly looking at a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of 20. However, as we’ve seen again and again and again, people who throw firebombs for 'Biden’s Brown Shirts' aka Antifa frequently get a slap on their soft, limp wrists."
"You Gonna Finish That?" DNA From Half-Eaten Burrito Leads to First Arrest for Attacking a Pro-Life Center
- "American blacks inherited a violent culture that is not their own, but the Democrat establishment has a vested interest in keeping them locked into that culture."
The Cultural and Political Forces Driving Violence in the Black Community
- "I am not an expert."
Mayorkas Scrambles As Sen. John Kennedy Asks Him To Define ‘Assault Weapons’
- “Why in God’s name do we allow these weapons of war in our streets and at our schools?” said Biden. (so we can turn them on tyrants who steal elections and persecute the citizenry - jjs)
Biden: "I’m a Second Amendment Guy. I Have Two Shotguns"
- "Democrat Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer tried to intervene but walked away." (Want to save America's kids? Keep them the hell away from Leftists - jjs)
‘You’re Not Looking At Any Data’: Reps. Bowman, Massie Get Into Shouting Match Over Gun Violence
- Good! Now hack Schwab's and Soros' bank accounts and turn it into "reparations!"
Left-Wing Climate Activists Targeted In Massive Email Hacking Campaign: REPORT
- For Mills, "the whole thing distills to mining," and mankind's mining capacity -- for minerals like cobalt and nickel, which are essential for large battery production -- is the bottleneck for such a transition. Without those batteries -- for E.V.s, factories, residences, etc. -- the environmentalist vision of the future is absolutely impossible.
The 'Energy Revolution' Will Not Be Forthcoming
- "Biden's USAID puts big money behind project to elevate disabled 'climate leaders' in Central Asian country." (if I printed a phony degree and fake letterhead, I'd scam Uncle Sugar AND be more competent than anyone in the cabinet by actually accoplishing something, even by accident! - jjs)
Want To Help Disabled Tajikistanis Fight Climate Change? Biden Could Pay You $1 Million for Your Advice.
- It wants to spend more time with its family . . . before disappearing.
Report: Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Donald Trump Delayed One Month
- "Their position is outrageous."
Dem Sen Says Biden Junta Suffered "Absolute Fail"
- "The former president's tax and trade ideas resonate even among Democrats, latest poll shows."
Has Trump Won the Free-Trade Debate in the U.S.? I&I/TIPP Poll
- "When the regulatory walls came tumbling down."
The Source of "Too Big to Fail"
- "If we expect to solve our economic problems through tight money, worse times are on the way."
Learning from Our (Bank) Failures
- "What kind of person lights a mattress on fire in a detention center full of people? And what kind of person blames America for the fiasco, which killed 38 people?"
About That Migrant Mattress Fire in Mexico . . .
- "Until more Americans make border integrity a priority, we are all but guaranteed to have more smoke and mirrors performances hiding an extremist agenda that is poisonous to our future." (it is a priority; but "we" are powerless - jjs)
An Act Before Congress
- "American military intervention in our dysfunctional southern neighbor is unlikely to fare well." (cut off Uncle Sugar, tax remittances 95% and start deporting every illegal you can and see how easy it is - jjs)
Close the Border to Change Mexico’s Policies
- "A DHS proposal to raise visa fees for elite artists and performers is misguided."
Eroding America’s Cultural Capital
- "While officials from the Washington Poison Center downplayed the risk of secondhand fentanyl exposure, local transit union president Kenneth Price noted to the Times that if the drug is dangerous enough to kill its users, it is likely potent enough to hurt those who are nearby. Typically, people smoke fentanyl by placing a pill on aluminum foil and heating it with a lighter, then sucking the vapor through a straw. It smells like engine oil mixed with peanut butter."
Seattle Installs Fentanyl Detectors on Public Buses as Drivers Get Sick From Fumes
- "New Yorkers will continue to suffer until state leaders dispense with their illusions about recent criminal-justice legislation."
Straight Talk About Bail Reform
- "RI Legislature Considers Bills to Reinstate Workers Fired For Refusing Vaccine, End Vaccine Mandates."
“Imagine How it Feels to be One of Only Three Educators out of 21,000 in the State of Rhode Island to Lose Your Job Over This Vaccine”
- "Obviously, there’s nothing inherently immoral about seeking companionship based on shared values or beliefs. People have done that for time immemorial. But, at some point, again as the Social Justice™ subculture becomes further removed from mainstream culture, there is going to have to come a reckoning if we are made to share a civilization with these people."
Chinese "COVID Safe Cuties": The Insular #ZeroCOVID Dating Network
- “It is my belief that he is worried about being indicted and so he continues to work so he will get legal protection under the federal government.”
Watch: Rand Paul Claims Fauci Is Not Really Retired
- Daniel Greenfield: "This totalitarian utopia requires the extinction of the family as its ultimate precondition and final triumph. That is what is really at stake in this struggle. And it is best summed up by a single question. 'Whose children? Our children or the children of the state?'”
Whose Children? Our Children
- The data he obtained was state and FEC data, O’Keefe said. “We’re wondering if these donors are victims of what appears to be a money-laundering scheme, or [if] these residents actually participated in the scheme. We’re making phone calls, we’re knocking on doors, these are things that you can do, we hope you do that.” There are “bizarre amounts of data” on homes and individuals making many thousands of dollars of donations, O’Keefe said, urging others to help him investigate.
James O’Keefe Uncovers Possible Lucrative Money-Laundering Scheme for Dems
- "Pennsylvania residents have filed a lawsuit against Luzerne County after being denied their constitutional right to vote in the 2022 midterms."
Voter Suppression is Real and It’s Not What You Were Told
- "In a win for election integrity, a United States District Court ruled yesterday the state of Maine cannot restrict the use of its voter roll data per the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA)."
Federal Court Rules Maine Cannot Restrict Use Of Voter Roll Data By Government Watchdog
- "Professor Lara Sheehi tweeted: 'FUCK ZIONISM, ZIONISTS, AND SETTLER COLONIALISM.' That's OK by GWU."
George Washington University Says an Investigation Cleared It of Anti-Semitism. Why Won't It Release the Report? (it was authored by a Mr. Vaughn Robbin-Trope? - jjs)
- “Dementia…causes an increase in frustration with all kinds of events,” instructs the Alzheimer’s Association in a tract called “The Power of Ice Cream.” “It would be great if those afflicted could notice their feelings of frustration building up and then engage in self-soothing behaviors, as most of us would.” But, “They simply do not have the awareness of such feelings or the coping skills to deal with them. Dementia has taken those coping skills away.” Instead, says the association, a frustrated dementia patient may become angry or agitated.
So That's Why Biden's Handlers Feed Him so Much Ice Cream
- The Pennsylvania senator checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in February, where he began receiving treatment on a voluntary basis for “clinical depression” after being examined by doctors, according to a statement from Fetterman’s chief of staff, Adam Jentleson, at the time.
Report: "Lumpy" Fetterman Will Return to U.S. Senate Mid-April
- “It’s very hard to argue that there should not be robust oversight, which is what this amendment does, so I would hope this would not be controversial,” Hawley added.
Senate Blocks Josh Hawley Amendment to Have Inspector General for Ukraine Aid
- A false narrative about Netanyahu’s “judicial coup” may achieve its goal of toppling him. But more than that, the consequences for future governments and U.S.-Israel relations are ominous.
A "Resistance" Coup Just Defeated Israeli Democracy
- "Israel is teaching us all a new lesson in modern western democracy as checks and balances are thrown out the window."
Israel’s Judicial Coup
- Right message. Wrong messenger.
Nikki Haley Blasts Biden for Interfering in Israeli Politics
- "The Left wants to get its way, one way or another."
Uncanny Similarities Between America’s Leftist Takedown of Trump and Israel’s Leftist Attempted Takedown of Bibi
- “It’s clear that Biden and his officials are high from funding what they believe to be successful anti-government protests in Israel,” added Cruz, who is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
‘Utterly Disgraceful’: Ted Cruz Slams Biden for Shunning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
* * * * *
- “The best thing that the U.S. could do to ‘bolster’ the cause of democracy in the world is to improve our own practice of it here,” the Quincy Institute said.
Biden’s ‘Summit for Democracy’ Attracts Apathy from Allies, Mockery from Dictatorships - "The move is the latest in China and other authoritarian nations' attempts to move away from the American dollar as the default global currency."
Saudi Arabia Invests in Chinese Oil Refineries as China Completes First Yuan-Settled Oil Trade
- "The recent development has exposed an important information vulnerability, one that has revealed Taiwan is incapable of protecting its own communications should the small country go to war with China, per The Telegraph."
China Cuts Taiwan's Internet—14,000 Citizens Unable to Communicate or Use Credit Cards
- Francis, 86, visited the Gemelli Hospital Wednesday afternoon for his checkup, Holy See spokesman Matteo Bruni said. The Vatican later said that Francis went to the hospital for a respiratory infection after experiencing breathing difficulties and will remain hospitalized for a “few days,” the BBC reported. The pope canceled his audiences through Friday.
Pope 'Fiction" Francis Hospitalized in Rome, Will Stay a ‘Few Days,’ Vatican Says
- "Is the prime minister cultivating a future for the Conservative party?"
Sunak’s British Reaction
- "Can you guess where the Palestinian Authority ranks?"
Israel Soars to Fourth Place in World Happiness Index (given the overthrow of Bibi, I wonder what it would be now - jjs)
- "During Obama’s speaking tour through Australia, which reportedly could net him upwards of $1 million, the former president has been talking about a variety of topics including politics, foreign policy, and technology. (and the dangers of not letting the Wookie win . . . - jjs)
Indigenous Elder Gets Kicked From Obama Event In Australia
- "Blinken admits that Americans are still held captive by the Taliban - nearly two years later."
Video: Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan
- "Biden wants to prematurely retire dozen ships, put U.S. on track to be outgunned on seas by China."
'Sinking Our Future': Biden's Budget Cuts Funds to U.S. Navy As China Ramps Up Shipbuilding
- "Gaetz put up a series of slides showing different drag queen story hours that have been hosted on military bases."
Rep. Matt Gaetz Tears Into Defense Sec Lloyd Austin On Funding Drag Queen Story Hour On Military Bases
- "Baby formula continues to be hard to find. Meanwhile, House Republicans open investigation into Biden FDA’s response to baby formula shortage."
FDA Knew About Potentially Deadly Bacteria in Baby Formula Months Before Issuing Recall
- "How to solve America’s housing crisis."
Free to Build
- "It appears that American users of mobile phones are shifting every so slightly away from smart phones, with sales of simple flip-phones lacking a screen rising in the past year."
In U.S. Sales of Dumb Phones Are Up
- "Imagine pulling two clumps of taffy apart. The stretched material linking the two clumps is the bridge of trailing material between these two galaxies."
The Chaos Between Galaxies Following Their Head-On Collision
- "Kentucky Republicans revived the bill last minute, combining a bill banning child sex changes with one that prohibited schools from requiring that teachers use “preferred pronouns” and required parental notification of a child’s gender transition. The bill was passed with just enough time for the legislature to override a potential veto from the state’s Democratic governor."
Kentucky Legislature Overrides Democrat Governor’s Veto On Bill Banning Sex Changes For Minors
- "As long as “preferred pronouns” are wielded as weapons of inquisition, there will be justified reluctance to abide by them. If, however, the trans community adopts a classically liberal non-confrontational stance, if they join the broader social contract and develop a sense of humor and camaraderie rather than intolerance and confrontation, there will be peace." (kind of Pollyanna-ish, but okay, why not - jjs)
MN Rep Walter Hudson Op-Ed: The Gender Jihad
- "Special counsel hired by the newly created board discovered the agreements and could wage a legal challenge against the agreements, the outlet noted. The agreements prevent the new board from making changes without Disney’s approval, effectively undermining its governing abilities. Disney was also given approval to build more theme parks under the agreement."
REPORT: Disney Secretly Conducted A Legal Maneuver To Undermine DeSantis’ Legislation, Protect Special Benefits
- David Harsanyi: "Books are ‘banned’ in Tennessee in much the same way a person can’t say the word ‘gay’ in Florida. It’s a myth."
There Are No Banned Books
- Christian Toto:"Memento star backpedals at worst possible time, fueling woke mob in process."
Guy Pearce Just Made Cancel Culture Worse
- "The Left nowadays cancels not only right-wingers, but also historical leftists."
No One Will Remember Us
- "The danger of A.I. is not that it becomes like us, but that we become like it."
The Cross of Code
- "First two in a FrontPage series."
The Top Ten Woke Lies
- “The power of Pynchon’s book to stun and disturb has only grown.”
Pynchon’s Prophecy
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:50 AM
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