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July 13, 2022
Biden In Israel: "We Must Keep Alive the Truth and Honor of the Holocaust"
Don't worry, the White House will falsify the transcript soon enough.
Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.substack.com
They juiced him up *prior* to this mess. Dude is barely functioning.
Biden also thought he was supposed to step off the red carpet well before it ended. He had to be guided back to it, and told that the usual custom is to follow the red carpet to its end.
Biden was confronted with polling that two thirds of Democrats want him not to run for president. He responded "You're all the same" and "Read the polls, Jack!," before stating that polls also show that 92% of Democrats would vote for him, if he's the nominee, which they don't want him to be.
But only if he's in a rematch with the man that broke the Democrats' brains, Trump.
An interesting dynamic to consider in 2024 is this: If Biden's still alive, it seems that he believes he's the only man capable of beating Trump. So if Trump wins, which he will, then Biden is almost guaranteed to run (alas).
Meanwhile, Joe gets reamed out by his "entitled c*nt" of a wife (Hunter's words, not mine) and walks away with his head hung down in shame a like a c*ck who just got a look at the size of his wife's stallion's equipment.
Click on the individual pics to see the story play out.