July 27, 2010

Oakland Raiders Safety Jack Tatum dead at 61 RIP

Posted by Dave In Texas at July 27, 2010 03:32 PM

¡¡without trying to control them.¡¡¡¡He lets them go their own way,¡¡¡¡and resides at the center of the path.¡¡¡¡30¡¡¡¡If you guide your nation by use of the Ta   way of returning to oneself.¡¡¡¡Thorns and brambles grow thickly where an army has camped.¡¡¡¡And years of destitution are likely after a great war.¡¡¡¡When ne  uard against vain, boastful or arrogant thoughts in the aftermath of the destruction.¡¡¡¡He will accomplish only the killing and destruction that is necessary,¡  Tao.¡¡¡¡31¡¡¡¡Instruments of war, however splendidly built can cause destruction and horror.¡¡¡¡They should be regarded as inauspicious instruments, the use of   The King looks to His minister of Peace on His left, and leans to His General on His right.¡¡¡¡On happy occasions the left is the prized position, in times of w  erefore:¡¡¡¡Do not rejoice in victory, for such is to delight in the slaughter of men.¡¡¡¡Enter a battle gravely, for the dead come from the people, and deep an  

Posted by: Vetement Ralph Lauren at May 24, 2011 03:31 PM
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