July 27, 2010

Latest revelations from JournoList - they weren't all a**holes.
... I like you. That's why I'm going to kill push you through a plate glass window last. [ArthurK]

Posted by Open Blogger at July 27, 2010 01:25 PM

I alone am purposeless, unrefined and uncentered.  I do not share the fears of the people,  For creation nourishes me.  21  The form of great virtue is   ! How vague! Yet in it there is form.  How vague! How obscure! But in it there are things.  How deep! How dark! In it there is an essence.  The essence is  and is not.  How do I know this is true?  I look inside myself and see.  22  Yield, and maintain integrity.  If you want to become whole; let yourself  ecome full; let yourself become empty.  If you want to be reborn; you must let yourself die.  If you want to be given everything; you must give everything u  therefore he shines.  Freed from self-assertion; he is distinguished.  Removed from self-boasting; his merit is acknowledged.  removed from self-complacen  s able to strive with him.  When the ancient Masters said,  "If you want to be given everything, give everything up,"  they weren't mouthing empty phrases  

Posted by: Vetement Ralph Lauren at May 24, 2011 03:29 PM
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