At the risk of facing a dreaded Protein Wisdom smack-down and being compared to Ann Althouse on PMS, I'm just gonna go ahead and say that having a joke post on the front page under "Best of the Blogs" isn't really the best way to convey "respectability".

Posted by: sandy burger on November 17, 2005 05:45 PM

Hey Ace,

Don't sell your stock in Val-U-Rite just yet there, hotshot.

Posted by: sentinel on November 17, 2005 06:02 PM

The one thing that seems to be missing in your book to movie analogy is "they". Who is they?

In the movie business "they" are producers. They take the book and sell the concept to the studios, backers, etc. Networks, magazines, newspapers....they have whole departments who do nothing but demographic studies of their audience to sell the concept to advertisers. Who's gonna do this for blogs? These things aren't gonna sell themselves. You are "they". It's not their job to see it. It's your job to show them.

Another small problem. Internet advertising to date in a word, sucks. It is uninteresting and usually more annoying than intriguing. This isn't a newspaper and its not TV. Its the only truly interactive and real time medium out there where advertisers can talk directly to consumers, and here's the cool part, consumers can immediately talk back. Stop using repurposed traditional advertising and use the tools you now have.

Stop thinking sticky eyeballs. Your not selling to vulture capitalists. Start proving to advertisers who your audience is and help them come up with creative ways to present their products in a more appealing way. You want val-u-rite hangovers and asian hookers your gonna have to do more than just be a good blogger.

Posted by: JackStraw on November 17, 2005 06:47 PM

Having looked around the so-called "blogosphere" a bit, I've concluded that the best thing about OSM is all the bad blood it's stirring up among bloggers. Wow! Sorry to sound like the jerk I really am, but it's funny watching them all fight amongst themselves.

I'm reminded of a comment Dave made on this blog once: It used to be about the music, man!

Posted by: sandy burger on November 18, 2005 02:58 AM

Mmmm i would love to see Michelle Malkin get into a cat fight with another hot blogger.

Posted by: isayalotofthings on November 18, 2005 04:07 AM
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